domingo, 5 de janeiro de 2014

The best way to read: eBooks or books

Today eBooks are a phenomenon that have been completely absorbed by our society. Over 80% of the people read in digital format. Since 2010 the sale of ebooks and tablets has increased tremendously due to lower prices of these eReader, and consumption is expected to continue to grow.

Electronic books offer many advantages that have helped their success. They are small, handy, easy to carry around, and let you download books for free. Also, manufacturing has a much smaller environmental impact.

However, many experts agree that it's more complicated to read an eBook than to read a printed book. The physical book provides a greater sense of control than the eBook, not only in understanding the text, but also in placing ourselves mentally in it.

Furthermore, a study conducted by the "Pew Research Center" has determined that young people under 30 still prefer reading on paper. In contrast, those who are older opt for digital reading. Something surprising since it is usually young people who adopt technological innovations first.

Other disadvantages of the eReader is the required knowledge for using the technology, however minimal, the battery doesn't always have charger for charging. And most importantly: not all books have been digitized.

For more information:
- Older than 55 years and eBooks
- Youth and children and eBooks

Amanda Rotger Salvá e Ángela Redondo Castellanos

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