That's just one of the lessons that journalists Phillip Martin of NPR member station WGBH in Boston and Cindy Carcamo of the Los Angeles Times learned on the International Reporting Fellowship Program for Minority Journalists. Here are a few of their tips:
1. Stick with a topic you know.
Don't apply for a fellowship abroad because it's an excuse to travel to an exotic locale. You need a solid topic that you understand, or one that you covered in the past which warrants further exploration. Focus on the "lingering questions that need answers," Martin said.
2. Keep your proposal focused, but stay flexible.
No matter how much research you do on your topic, chances are your story will shift once you're on the ground. "Write a detailed proposal. Stick to it as far as the umbrella theme is concerned and know that the details on the ground --as you mapped it out--will change," Martin said.
3. Lay low to stay safe.
As many reporting assignments are investigative in nature, watching your back is key. "I was careful to keep up with the news in the region I would be going to. I also didn’t tell many people exactly where I would be going to and left my arrival date a bit vague," Carcamo said. For his series on human trafficking in Southeast Asia, Martin had to deal with a topic that's often "horribly sensationalized."
4. Find translators/fixers who know the local scene, and be prepared to pay.
Establishing contacts in your destination country is vital, as they can offer access to sources you wouldn't find as an outsider, but there usually is a fee involved. "One of the hardest aspects of my project was trying to get in contact with the family of a Guatemalan woman who died. All I had was a name and age. My fixer in Guatemala really helped with this," Carcamo said. "Going rates vary from country to country. I would speak with journalists who are already in the country you are looking to visit and ask them about what the going rate may be for a fixer, driver or translator."
5. Leave your biases behind.
Be aware of "cultural nuances and moderate your own biases and experiences—what is called the framework of assumption," Martin says. "Being careful not to filter everything through an American paradigm. Know your surroundings, beginning with studying maps (local, provincial and national) where rivers cross, topography and customs."
Sources: IJnet
Stanislava Antova and Lea Kaplja
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